Travelling as a subcontractor in the EU - what documents are required

Working as a subcontractor in the European Union has advantages and disadvantages. The right documents are important for a smooth process. In this article, you will find out which documents you need and how you can optimise your preparations. Why are the right documents important? Before we dive into the details, let's briefly talk about why ... Weiterlesen

Skilled workers from abroad

Foreign skilled workers - an important resource for companies in Germany, Austria & Switzerland Skilled workers from abroad are an important resource for many companies, as more and more companies in Germany are looking for skilled workers from abroad to fill their vacancies. But how do you find suitable candidates and what challenges are there in integrating ... Weiterlesen

Subcontractor mediation

We place subcontractors and craftsmen from Eastern Europe, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland worldwide. Get an offer without obligation. Our company Zeitarbeit International places subcontractors with their own tools and vehicles as well as German-speaking foremen. Our teams are hard-working and motivated, no matter if you need helpers or skilled workers from Slovakia or the Czech Republic for your company, we will support you... Weiterlesen

Personnel from Eastern Europe

Temporary work from Eastern Europe is very popular. Our subcontractors and temporary workers from Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia are looking forward to working in Germany. Our workers are registered with our partners in Eastern Europe and then sent to Germany. If you are looking for temporary workers or reliable employee leasing from all over Eastern Europe, please contact us without obligation and ... Weiterlesen