The Temporary Employment Act - content and special features

Overview of the Temporary Employment Act The Temporary Employment Act (AÜG) regulates the conditions under which employees can be leased from one company (lender) to another company (borrower). The law was originally introduced in 1972 to ensure the protection of temporary workers. This created clear regulations for the practice of temporary employment. Over the years, the AÜG has been ... Weiterlesen

Making temporary employment legally compliant

Legal basis of international temporary employment The use of external personnel by means of temporary employment is a flexible way of employing foreign workers in the company for a limited period of time. What do you need to consider if you want to hire workers from abroad with legal certainty? Many companies in Germany rely on skilled labour from abroad to fill staff shortages. If a ... Weiterlesen

A comparison of contracts for work and labour and temporary employment

What is a contract for work and labour? What are its advantages and disadvantages? A contract for work and labour is a contract in which the contractor undertakes to provide a specific work or service. The central element of the contract for work and labour is the result of the work, not the work process itself. The contractor is liable for the completion of the work and has ... Weiterlesen

What about taxes and social security contributions for temporary workers in Germany?

In Germany, temporary workers are obliged to pay taxes and social security contributions. What is the situation regarding taxes and social security contributions for temporary workers in Germany? This article explains the situation of temporary workers with regard to taxes and social security contributions. General tax liability Temporary workers in Germany are subject to general tax liability. Here are some points about this: You have to pay income tax, ... Weiterlesen

When does an illegal supply of labour exist?

Temporary employment involves an employer "lending" an employee to another employer. However, there are also illegal forms of this practice. When is hiring out an employee illegal? Temporary employment can be illegal if certain conditions are not met. We clarify when an illegal hiring out of labour has taken place and what the consequences are. What ... Weiterlesen

Equal pay for temporary workers

Equal pay for temporary workers: the legal details You often read about equality or equal pay in connection with temporary employment relationships. But what exactly does this mean? What legal entitlements does it give temporary workers? When does the right to equal pay apply? Section 8 (1) of the Temporary Employment Act (AÜG) enshrines the so-called principle of equal treatment: ... Weiterlesen

Engineer placement

Finding and retaining internationally qualified specialists with our help Recruiting engineers is crucial for companies that want to remain competitive and drive innovation. Finding and retaining highly qualified engineers plays a central role in this. The process of recruiting and integrating internationally qualified specialists is a particular challenge for every company. Legal and ... Weiterlesen

Temporary work for engineers

The advantages of temporary work for engineers: Why foreign specialists can also benefit from it In Germany, where innovation and expertise meet, unimagined career opportunities are opening up for engineers. Temporary work offers both employers and employees in the recruitment sector a unique opportunity to find and deploy qualified specialists. With a temporary employment agency for engineers like Zeitarbeit International in ... Weiterlesen

International employee leasing

Requirements and legal basis for temporary work abroad International temporary employment ("personnel leasing" or temporary work) has become a strategic solution for companies seeking flexibility on the German labour market. This concept is regulated by German labour law. It has numerous advantages, but also its own challenges and risks. This article aims to explain the importance of international ... Weiterlesen