recruitment agency eastern europe

Personnel placement for industrial assembly - pipeline construction

As a personnel service provider for energy suppliers, industry, private and municipal clients, we place, Zeitarbeit Internationalqualified pipework construction personnel from Eastern Europe for complete services in the construction of pipework systems for gas, water, district and local heating supply. We offer complete services from a single source and use state-of-the-art techniques and materials. 

We use our experienced subcontractors and contract workers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia or Ukraine. Our subcontractor teams take care of the complete services of the pipeline construction:

In order to connect machines and plants to the various media such as gas, steam, water, air, oil, etc., our experienced workers from Eastern Europe professionally carry out the corresponding pipeline construction for you. Our experienced welders take care of the processing of all common materials such as steel, stainless steel and plastics, carry out welding procedures according to WIG, MAG, flux-cored wire.

Pipeline construction with us as a personnel service provider

Are you looking for competent and experienced personnel for pipeline construction? We, Zeitarbeit International, place subcontractors and qualified temporary workers from Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine. We take care of the entire process: organisation and administration as well as forms and permits.

With 20 years of experience in personnel management, we are your experienced partner in the fields of recruitment, employee leasing, temporary employment and subcontracting from Eastern Europe and the Baltic States.

Feel free to call us for a non-binding offer. Mobile: +49 1741979330 . Or request your personal offer via contact form here. After receipt of your request, you will receive our offer within 24 hours on working days, or 48 hours on weekends and holidays.

You are looking for a partner for pipeline construction ?