Outsourcing Eastern Europe Relocation of production
You concentrate on your core business, we take care of your labour force and business processes
Production outsourcing to other European countries
Outsourcing to Eastern Europe is a relocation of production to the Eastern European countries, such as Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary or Slovenia. Such countries are particularly suitable for a Production outsourcing interesting, as you have low wages and ancillary costs in these countries and logistics and rents are significantly cheaper compared to Germany.
Our company advises you on all aspects of relocating production to Eastern Europe and outsourcing in general. There are many economic reasons in favour of outsourcing production and business processes to Eastern Europe. By outsourcing individual tasks, you reduce your costs. At the same time, you reduce your personnel management costs and have to conclude and manage fewer employment contracts. Another advantage is the added flexibility: you are not tied to employees. For these reasons, many companies have already decided in favour of such outsourcing, mostly within Germany.
Go one step further! You can realise significantly greater savings potential by using service providers in other European countries. As an experienced agency in this field, we can put you in touch with the right Outsourcing Partner.
Outsourcing to Eastern Europe in the automotive industry
Outsourcing or Relocation of production to Eastern Europe is being used more and more frequently, especially in the automotive industry in Germany. For years, German car manufacturers have been producing in Eastern Europe and Asia with the help of foreign companies, as there are many advantages to relocating production in the automotive industry.
For example, Poland is the largest European production area for car parts of the largest car manufacturers in the world. Automotive industry is the second most important pillar in the Polish economy, as Poland is the main supplier of parts to the automotive industry throughout Europe. This is due to high skills of Polish workers as well as relatively low labour costs. Read more...

Outsourcing in the chemical industry
Which processes does your company want to carry out itself and which would be better to hand over to an external service provider? This is a very important question for companies in the chemical industry. In the chemical industry, relocating production to Eastern Europe is not only about reducing costs, but also about improving processes along the entire supply chain and increasing international competitiveness.
With production outsourcing in Eastern Europe, processes are rethought and complexity is reduced - conversely, reducing complexity is not a driver for outsourcing.

Why relocate production to Eastern Europe?
In principle, outsourcing to other European countries is suitable for all services that do not have to be carried out directly on your premises. The outsourcing of IT services, for example, is gaining in popularity. Specialists in other European countries can develop software for you or provide support, they can design and maintain homepages and design apps.
Some German and European companies and factories are forced to relocate their own production or manufacturing to Eastern Europe. One of the main reasons is lower wages and production costs.
Our international customers have already successfully gained Eastern European countries as reliable production locations.
Outsourcing is also worthwhile when it comes to data entry. Among other things, employees of the partner company type data available on paper into databases.
Eastern Europe ranks second worldwide behind Asia when it comes to outsourcing. The majority of decision-makers rate the success of outsourcing as high for corporate success.
Advantages of outsourcing to Eastern Europe
When it comes to outsourcing or relocating production to Eastern Europe, there are countless advantages that are obvious. Starting with cultural hurdles, Eastern Europe is also a part of Europe that can be reached at short notice, unlike China or South America.
Important points are also language competence vis-à-vis the other countries, since many people in Eastern Europe speak German and English. Furthermore, availability and experience as well as the qualification of employees from Eastern Europe.
Another significant advantage of outsourcing to Eastern Europe is the savings. Especially in Eastern European countries, the wage level is far lower than in this country, which is why the companies can offer their services cheaply. You don't have to fear a lack of quality. These countries have highly qualified staff, such as well-trained IT specialists. Language barriers do not exist either. Communication in English is possible without any problems, and in many cases in German as well.
If you are interested in relocating production to Eastern Europe, we will find the right solution for you together. Based on your requirements profile, we will look for the service provider who can optimally and reliably meet your demands.
Production Outsourcing Eastern Europe with us as your partner!
Outsource your projects or your production in all areas! Trust our experience. We will be happy to provide you with references or invite you to visit a partner company or an already relocated production facility. From chocolate production in Hungary to metal or stainless steel processing or stainless steel assembly in Poland and Romania.
Whether Nearshore services or Outsourcing,- we are your partner when it comes to assembly or production from all areas of production relocation. From the German-speaking managing director or foreman,- our team takes care of everything and represents your company abroad successfully, legally secure and goal-oriented.
Establish a company abroad with the incorporation firm
We see ourselves as a full-service provider and accompany companies from their foundation, account opening and throughout their entire business activity. Our tax advisors prepare VAT returns, annual financial statements and are always available for other questions. We manage your company abroad and also advise on all legal matters.
Whether tax optimisation, inheritance/company succession, company expansion, foreign holding or asset management. We will find the optimal solution for almost any project. More about Gründungskanzlei...
Save high energy costs by relocating production
Outsourcing or the relocation of production to Eastern Europe in these times is becoming more and more of an issue in Germany. Temp Work International as an experienced personnel service provider are your contact when it comes to outsourcing production or relocating production to Eastern Europe: Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, Slovakia, the Baltic States. Save high labour and energy costs and outsource your production or operations to Eastern Europe. We offer you experience and support you in your project. Produce even in times of economic crisis and we will take care of everything: the production site, the staff, the logistics and a German-speaking management on site.
Outsourcing to Eastern Europe is currently in great demand. Do it like the large and medium-sized companies and outsource your production or parts of your production to Eastern Europe. We will gladly show you undreamt-of possibilities to be competitive and unrivalled. No matter how big or small your project is, produce in Eastern Europe. We are also happy to transport entire production machines to Eastern Europe or find you a suitable production site or factory in Eastern Europe. Prevent the looming energy crisis. In many countries in Eastern Europe these problems of the threatening energy supply do not exist. We recommend Slovakia or Hungary when it comes to outsourcing to Eastern Europe. We are also happy to look at other countries where many of your competitors produce successfully and cost-effectively.
On-site management - our personnel services
Some of our customers are already successfully producing in Romania or Bulgaria by the sea. We are also happy to offer you our successful onsite management services for outsourcing or relocating production to Croatia, Romania and the whole of Eastern Europe.
In many countries in Eastern Europe, nuclear power plants and nuclear power stations are running successfully and supplying your industry and citizens with energy. This keeps you stable and competitive in every respect. More and more manufacturing companies are outsourcing all or part of their production to Eastern Europe. We take care of your entire project and also offer them entire product lines or entire production in Eastern Europe to us. Partner companies take care of the entire logistics if required. Not only do you save high energy costs or staff costs, but you remain strong and competitive.
From food production to metal processing factories in Poland, the Czech Republic or Hungary,- we have experience and the right partner for you. Benefit from our network and our experience.