Photovoltaic systems: From planning to implementation - with us as your personnel service provider!

A photovoltaic system is an investment in the future – both for you personally and for our planet. But how do you go about planning and implementing a photovoltaic system? Which factors have to be considered? How much does a photovoltaic system cost? How do you find the right photovoltaic company to plan and install your system? We, experienced personnel service providers, with our expert staff from Eastern Europe are at your side to support and advise you! More about us >>>

Why photovoltaic systems?

-solar power systems are an interesting alternative to conventional energy systems. They are based on the conversion of light into electricity and can therefore be used primarily in areas with good solar radiation. In addition, photovoltaic systems have a significantly higher energy yield than conventional energy systems. They are a unique way to generate energy and can therefore be used for many different purposes:

Advantages of photovoltaic systems

Placement of foreign skilled labour

Call now for advice on all aspects of photovoltaic planning!

Photovoltaic system costs

The costs for a photovoltaic system are made up of the costs for the solar modules, the inverter, the assembly kit and possibly also the battery pack.

The amount of the costs depends strongly on the size of the plant and the location. In Germany, the costs for a 1 kW system are around 3,000 euros. In the case of self-sufficient systems, the costs for the battery pack are added, so that a total of around 5,000 euros are due here.

time work costs

Planning a photovoltaic system - What do you have to pay attention to?

The planning of a photovoltaic system is an important factor for the success of the system. There are various aspects that must be taken into account during planning to ensure that the plant functions optimally.

Photovoltaic installation by an expert on site

It is important that a professional installation for your photovoltaic system is initiated by a photovoltaic specialist. Our qualified specialist companies from Eastern Europe with their experience in the field of solar installation are ideally suited for this. Are you planning a photovoltaic system? Then you are right with us! Our technicians from Eastern Europe first develop a concept for the photovoltaic system and check the technical requirements. Based on this information, they can make specific recommendations and give you the best advice as a customer.

Professional planning and installation by experts on site is important for the efficient use of a photovoltaic system. This is the only way to ensure that all components function properly and that there is no danger - for people or for the environment! 

Find a specialist photovoltaic company - with us as your partner!

The search for an expert photovoltaic company is an important step in the planning of your photovoltaic system. Only by working with an experienced and competent specialist company can you ensure that your system is optimally planned and installed. With us as your partner, you will quickly find a suitable

We, Zeitarbeit InternationalWe have over 20 years of experience in personnel management on the European market. With us you get qualified skilled workers as well as hardworking helpers for Industry, Montage Production, logistics, mechanical engineering, automotive industry. Wir vermitteln Subunternehmer and Temporary workers, Workers from abroad for assembly services, industrial services, plant engineering etc.

Solar technicians from Eastern Europe

Personnel for photovoltaic planning & installation

For small and large projects, we place skilled workers from abroad, temporary workers and subcontractors for the planning and installation of photovoltaic systems:

Only a few steps to a photovoltaic system

Employee leasing

Our personnel services

Subunternehmer und Leiharbeiter, Arbeitskräfte aus Osteuropa stellen ein probates Mittel dar, um den Bedarf an Fach- und Hilfskräften zu decken. Wir, Zeitarbeit International helfen Ihnen die richtigen Fachkräfte & motivierte Hilfsmitarbeiter aus Tschechien, Ungarn, Polen, Lettland, Bulgaria quickly and easily. Our services include organisational and administrative tasks as well as the necessary forms and permits. 

Subcontractors wanted? We provide the best from Eastern Europe

Finding the right workers from Eastern Europe in the right place at the right time

Outsourcing in der Chemieund Pharmaindustrie, Automobilindustrie 

Are you looking for personnel? We place skilled workers and simple helpers from Eastern Europe

Are you interested in working with us? Give us a call!