Temporary workers from Eastern Europe
Personnel leasing Eastern Europe. Are you looking for skilled & unskilled labour as temporary workers from Eastern Europe? We will be happy to help you!
Find temporary workers for industry, production, logistics
The employment of temporary workers from Eastern Europe has increased significantly in various sectors in recent years. Companies use the services of temporary employment agencies to react flexibly to fluctuations in their staffing levels and to cover seasonal peaks.
Temporary workers from Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary and other EU countries are well-trained skilled and unskilled workers who are looking for new professional challenges. They bring with them a wide range of skills and experience that are of great benefit to many companies. Thanks to their flexibility and commitment, they help companies to achieve their goals and remain competitive. In addition, the Employee leasing from the EU and the European Economic Area. As a leading personnel service provider, we support you in this!
We provide personnel from Eastern Europe - our specialist areas:
- Production employee
- Controllers
- Production helper
- Assembly line worker
- Packing aids
- Filler
- Engineers
- Mechanical engineer
- Electrical engineer
- Civil engineers
- Occupational safety engineers

Why do companies employ temporary workers from Eastern Europe?
Eastern European temporary workers are highly qualified and have good training in various sectors. This is why German companies benefit from them. Especially in areas such as Logistics, Production, IndustryThe skilled trades and transport sectors are finding it difficult to recruit suitable employees on the labour market. In some areas, the demand for qualified skilled labour clearly exceeds the supply. Temporary workers in Eastern Europe are motivated, flexible and willing to work in different countries.
A major advantage of hiring Eastern European temporary workers is that companies can react quickly to seasonal or short-term fluctuations in labour demand. They can increase or decrease the number of workers as needed without making long-term commitments. This gives companies flexibility and cost efficiency.

We are a reliable personnel service provider for temporary workers in Eastern Europe
As an experienced temporary employment agency for Eastern Europe, we provide you with skilled workers and helpers as temporary workers and Subcontractor from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and other EU countries. We search efficiently and reliably for suitable candidates based on your requirements. In doing so, we take both qualifications and social skills into account. Thanks to our large network of recruitment agencies in Eastern Europe, we offer professional and fast employee leasing.
We place temporary workers:
Eastern European Temporary Workers for Industry & Trade
Temporary workers from Eastern Europe are very important in times of staff shortages. Whether it's electricians, welders, fitters, production assistants or other Workers from abroad we have the right personnel for you. Whether as Temporary employment, contract for work and labour Subcontractors from Eastern Europe,- we are your reliable partner when it comes to craftsmen or helpers from Poland and Eastern Europe or foreign skilled labour in general.
We can also easily place skilled workers from the fields of industry, trade, metal, wood or construction. We place Engineers, Locksmith, Welders, Electrician, Heating engineer from Poland Eastern Europe. Our network covers all areas of labour leasing in Eastern Europe.
No matter how many employees you need, contact us without obligation when it comes to personnel or personnel services from Eastern Europe. Our team looks forward to your enquiry.
Advantages of temporary work from Eastern Europe
The term temporary employment often has a very negative connotation, but mostly wrongly so. Instead, the special triangular constellation offers some advantages:
1. Cost savings in the recruitment of labour from Eastern Europe
Due to the applicable EU laws, employees and therefore also temporary workers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Eastern Europe may be posted to Germany via labour leasing. The Eastern European labour market is particularly attractive for German companies. Due to the low cost of living and lower social security contributions, providers from Eastern Europe can offer their services in Germany at favourable rates.
2. Large network of qualified temporary workers from Eastern Europe.
Cooperation in the field of dtemporary work from Eastern Europe brings great advantages to German companies. Because the Eastern European temporary workers are motivated and there is a large pool of employees in Poland, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and other Eastern European countries who want to work in Germany.
3. Experienced workers from Eastern Europe
The temporary assignments in different client companies are a great opportunity to gain work experience and make contacts. In this way, German companies benefit from the experience of the Eastern European workers.
4. Eastern european employees are covered by law
The Temporary Employment Act (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz) stipulates the rights and obligations of temporary workers. This prevents, for example, possible exploitation and underpayment.
5. Takeover
The workers from Eastern Europe have the opportunity to be taken on by a German company and to be permanently employed there if both parties are interested. Temporary employment thus serves as a springboard for many Eastern European skilled workers.
Disadvantages of personnel leasing Eastern Europe
1. Change of assignment and loss of learned skills
The Eastern European employees from Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia or Ukraine can be deployed on other projects after their assignment. As a result, it can often happen that suitable and well-trained employees move to another company and have to be retrained there. If you are looking for a permanent position, we support you as a partner with our temporary employment agency from abroad in the smooth takeover of staff from Eastern Europe by your company.
In this way, temporary work or temp work can be a springboard for the temporary worker from Eastern Europe and contacts can be made with well-known companies.
2. Perceived pressure due to competitive situations
The employee of the Eastern European company is often in competition with the permanent staff of the company and is sometimes paid differently compared to the permanent staff. Often the employee or the assistant from Eastern Europe is a stranger in Germany and does not understand the language very well and feels excluded.
But there, too, we support our employees with advances of good logistics, work clothes and personal supervision by project managers on site. Thus, employees from Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia or Poland are supported in all areas. We attach great importance to an open and constructive dialogue between employees and the existing staff. We do not leave our employees alone.
Only a motivated and satisfied employee is the success of your efforts.
What else you should know:
What special legal features apply to personnel leasing in Eastern Europe?
The Personnel Leasing Eastern Europe is subject to both the national laws of the sending country and the regulations of the country of assignment. Particularly important: The EU Directive on the posting of workers stipulates that posted employees must enjoy the same rights as domestic employees - for example with regard to Minimum wageworking hours and safety standards. Compliance with the reporting obligations and the provision of A1 certificatesthat clarify the social insurance.
What documents are required for temporary employment in Eastern Europe?
To be on the safe side, you need a number of documents - this checklist makes it easier:
- A1 certificateProof that social security contributions are paid in the home country.
- Employment contractMust clearly regulate the conditions.
- Temporary employment licence: nothing works without it. An employee who is hired out by an employer to a third party in return for payment. Usually for a limited period of time.
- Notification of secondment: Compulsory in many countries!
- Proof of qualificationIf required to demonstrate standards.
Check the requirements of the destination country early on so that you don't break into a sweat halfway through your journey.
What are the obligations of the temporary employment agency in Eastern Europe?
The lender is properly responsible! Here are the highlights:
- Ensuring fair working conditions: No compromises with Wages, working hours and holidays.
- Documentation obligation: From the A1 certificate to deployment plans - everything has to be right.
- Liability for offencesIf something goes wrong, the lender bears the consequences.
- Observe reporting obligations: The country of assignment always wants to know - so register in good time!
In short: the lender should be well organised and act in accordance with the law, otherwise it will be expensive.
What is the EU directive and what role does it play in personnel leasing in Eastern Europe?
The EU Directive on the posting of workers is the guideline for equal conditions. It guarantees that employees from Eastern Europe in the country of assignment enjoy the same Working conditions as the employees there. In concrete terms, this means Minimum wages, holiday regulations and health and safety measures apply across all countries - fair play! Employers and lenders should therefore ensure that all requirements of the directive are met in order to avoid any nasty surprises.
What advantages do companies offer temporary workers compared to permanent employees?
Temporary workers have some differences in their rights and benefits compared to permanent workers. Here are the most important aspects:
Employment contract and type of employment: while permanent employees have a direct employment contract with the company, temporary workers work through a contract with the temporary employment agency, which hires them out to other companies.
- Job security: permanent employees usually have a more stable job because their employment is usually long-term and permanent. Temporary workers, on the other hand, are dependent on the orders and needs of the hiring company, which can lead to less job security.
- Compensation: temporary workers can typically receive a higher hourly rate than permanent colleagues because their position is considered temporary and flexible. However, they often have fewer or no additional benefits such as vacation and Christmas bonuses or company pension plans.
- Working time regulations: working time regulations can vary depending on the company and industry. In some cases, temporary workers may have more flexible work schedules, while permanent employees may be tied to set working hours.
- Social benefits: permanent employees are generally entitled to social benefits such as health insurance, pension insurance and unemployment insurance, which are co-financed by the employer. Temporary workers are often insured by the temporary employment agency and may have less comprehensive benefits.
What legal regulations are there for temporary work in Germany?
- Principle of equal treatment: in principle, temporary workers must be treated the same as permanent employees. This means they are entitled to equal pay, equal working conditions and equal social benefits.
- Maximum rental period: the use of temporary workers at a hiring company is limited to a certain period of time. Since April 1, 2017, the maximum temporary employment period has been 18 months, unless there is a collective agreement that allows deviations.
- Equal pay: after a certain period of employment, temporary workers are entitled to the same pay as comparable permanent employees of the hiring company. This is called equal pay.
- Co-determination: temporary workers have the right to representation on works and staff councils if they have worked for the hiring company for longer than three months. You take part in works council elections and other co-determination rights.
- Protection against dismissal: temporary workers enjoy protection against dismissal, which is similar to the protection against dismissal of permanent employees. This means that they can only be terminated for justified reasons.
- Health and safety protection: temporary workers have the right to the same health and safety protections as permanent employees. The borrowing company is responsible for ensuring that all relevant regulations and standards are adhered to.
What happens in the event of violations of the rules on temporary employment in Eastern Europe?
When the Rules on temporary employment are broken, this quickly leads to consequences:
- High finesCountries like Germany don't take a joke here.
- Work stops: Authorities can end the operation abruptly.
- Damage to reputationLoss of trust among business partners is inevitable.
- Back paymentsMissing wages or social security contributions have to be paid - and that hurts.
Therefore: work cleanly and Legal offences to avoid stress and costs!