Temporary employment from abroad

Temporary employment from abroad: opportunities, challenges & risks

Employee leasing is becoming increasingly important in today's globalized working world. The ability to hire qualified workers flexibly and cost-effectively from another country offers companies numerous advantages. But what legal framework applies to temporary employment from abroad? How does the cooperation between the parties involved work? And what risks does this form of recruitment entail? We will shed light on these important questions on the topic of temporary employment from abroad and give you an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of this practice. As an iinternational temporary employment agency, we are very familiar with temporary staffing from abroad. For over 25 years, we have been supplying personnel from Eastern Europe to Germany: skilled & unskilled workers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey, Estonia and Ukraine.

temporary work eastern europe

Temporary employment from abroad - What do I need to bear in mind?

Would you like to deploy employees from abroad in your company? Then temporary employment is one way of responding flexibly to staffing requirements. But there are a few conditions to consider:

  • You need a written temporary employment contract with an agency in the employee's country - this is also known as a temporary employment contract. This contract regulates all relevant details such as working hours, remuneration and assignment duration.

  • It must be ensured that the posted worker has the necessary qualifications and language skills for the German market. 

  • The country sending the workers should have a social security agreement with Germany. This is important so that the employees are also covered by social security in Germany and no double payments are made.

In addition to the formal aspects, cultural differences should also be taken into account! After all, working methods and expectations regarding punctuality and hierarchies vary from country to country. Intercultural training can help to break down barriers and prevent misunderstandings.

We at Zeitarbeit International will help you with all your questions about temporary employment from abroad. Get in touch with us!

personnel services

Opportunities and advantages of employee leasing for companies

Temporary employment, also known as temporary work or agency work, can offer various advantages for companies when they source workers from abroad. Here are some possible benefits:

  1. Flexibility: temporary staffing allows your company to react flexibly to short-term staffing requirements. This is particularly useful for large projects or seasonal fluctuations.

  2. Quick access to skilled workers: by hiring workers from abroad, companies can quickly access specialized professionals who may not be available on the local labor market

  3. Cost control: companies can better control costs because they only pay for the actual hours worked and not for additional benefits such as health insurance, vacation or other social benefits that are common with permanent employees.

  4. Risk mitigation: temporary staffing can help companies reduce risks associated with human resource management. For example, the temporary employment agency often assumes responsibility for labor law matters, which can reduce the risk of legal conflicts for the user company.

Are you looking for temporary workers from abroad? 

Free movement of workers - deployment of workers from the EU

The A1 certification procedure - legal basis for the deployment of workers from the EU

Employing workers from the EU can be a great opportunity for companies. This is because freedom of movement within the European Union means that skilled workers can be brought into the country quickly and easily. Employees from other European countries are in high demand, particularly in sectors such as construction or hospitality, where there is often a shortage of qualified workers. But there are also many potential candidates in the IT and engineering sectors on the European labor market. However, this is not only advantageous for the company itself: employees also benefit. They have the opportunity to apply their skills and experience in a new environment and thus gain valuable professional experience. However, both employers and employees should ensure that all legal requirements are met.

What is freedom of movement for workers?

Free movement of workers allows employees from the European Union to work and settle in any member state. This means that they can work in the labor market without restrictions. This freedom has many advantages for EU citizens. They have the opportunity to improve their career prospects abroad and gain new experience. At the same time, companies also benefit from this regulation: higher productivity can be achieved by using qualified employees from other countries.

How does the free movement of workers work?

The A1 attestation procedure comes into play to ensure that all regulations are complied with and that employees are legally employed. This is a central document for verifying the social security status of posted workers within the European Union. This certificate serves as proof that the employee in question is still subject to the social security system of their home country.

This procedure prevents employers from forcing their employees to register or pay contributions in another country. Instead, responsibility for social insurance remains with the employee's country of origin.

Applying for an A1 certificate

The application for an A1 certificate is usually made by the employer and must be submitted before starting work in the destination country. Certain information must be provided, such as details of the company and the duration and type of assignment.

German customs is responsible for processing these applications and carefully checks that they are complete and correct. If everything is filled out correctly, the A1 certificate is issued and made available to the employer.

The A1 certification procedure is therefore an important instrument for ensuring that workers from the EU are lawfully employed in Germany. It guarantees fair working conditions and protects against exploitation. It is therefore indispensable in the context of the free movement of workers and helps to ensure that mobility within Europe functions smoothly."

Do you have any further questions about temporary employment from other EU countries? Get in touch with us! With 25 years of experience, we provide personnel from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey, the Baltic countries and Ukraine for industry, trade, medicine and production. We advise you on all questions relating to international temporary employment.