Temporary work - Temporary employment

Temporary work - what is it? Definition, meaning, rights and obligations. Temporary employment, agency work, temporary work - what is it? At first glance, these three terms sound like different things, but they are basically the same thing. Behind all three words is the fact that a company borrows labour from another company for a while. See ... Weiterlesen

Right to issue instructions: What can hirers instruct temporary workers to do?

Right to issue instructions in temporary employment When employers issue instructions to their employees, this is referred to as the right to issue instructions, sometimes also as the right to give directions. In terms of content, both terms mean the same thing. Employers who use temporary workers for a certain period of time are also authorised to issue instructions to them. What is often unclear is what hirers may and may not instruct. Employers have the right to instruct their ... Weiterlesen