Temporary employment contract

Temporary employment contract

In a Employment contract defines the conditions under which someone works. It defines the rights and obligations of both parties and is the basis for the employment relationship. The employment contract can take various forms, depending on the employment. 

A temporary employment contract is a flexible employment model. A company can respond to temporary staffing requirements.

What are the special features of the temporary employment contract?

It can be said that the temporary employment contract does not differ in principle from classic standard contracts. However, special provisions may be made depending on whether there are special features in the employment relationship. These can be things such as the duration of the assignment or the place of work. 

Just like a regular employment contract, a temporary employment contract also regulates benefits such as health, pension, long-term care, accident and unemployment insurance.

The BAP employment contract is a standard employment contract. It was drawn up by the Federal Employers' Association of Personnel service provider e.V. (BAP). The legal regulations of the Temporary Employment Act taken into account. This contract has established itself as an important basis in practice.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the BAP employment contract?

This type of employment contract offers advantages for both the employer and the employee. The employer can benefit from a legally secure basis that fulfils all legal requirements. The employee, on the other hand, receives a clear structure and has full transparency regarding their rights and obligations. It also ensures that the legal requirements are complied with. 

This employment contract is often not used in its pure form. However, it provides clear orientation and helps to ensure that all basic forms are clarified.

However, there are also disadvantages here. Employees often criticise the fact that there is a great deal of flexibility in terms of the location and duration of employment. This naturally leads to uncertainty. The assignment is often only for a short time, which of course employees don't like.

What you should look out for in a temporary employment contract

First of all, the contract must of course be read thoroughly. Special focus should be placed on specific rights and obligations. The following points should also be checked carefully:

  • What are the details of the salary and working hours?
  • How long is the duration of the transfer, what are the regulations?
  • How are the holiday entitlement and period of notice formulated?
  • Are all the points discussed in writing?


What is important to know

It is a persistent rumour that temporary workers have poorer working conditions than the permanent workforce in a company. This is not true. According to the Temporary Employment Act, temporary workers have the same rights as permanent employees. This means that they have the same entitlement to holidays or the right to the same social benefits. Of course, the same also applies to pay, provided that the qualifications and the work of the Zeitarbeit International similar to that of permanent employees. 

This is where the equal pay principle comes into play. A collective agreement can only represent a deviation from this principle.

It is therefore also important that you, as a temporary employee, check the collective agreement that applies to you.