Temporary employment contract - content, meaning

An employee leasing agreement may sound like dry paperwork, but it is the quintessence of fair and legally secure cooperation between hirers, hirers and employees. Regardless of whether flexible projects or temporary assignments are involved, this contract sets out the rules of the game and protects the interests of all parties involved. But what exactly does it say? In this article, we take a closer look at the ... Weiterlesen

Personnel leasing costs: What do you need to know?

Temporary staffing is your ace up your sleeve when it comes to elegantly bridging staff shortages. But what about the costs of temporary employment? What does a temporary worker really end up with in their pocket and how does a temporary employment agency calculate its prices? In this article, you'll find a full load of information on temporary employment costs, plus a few intelligent ... Weiterlesen

Temporary employment agency - what is that actually?

Temporary employment agencies are intermediaries between companies and employees. They therefore play a key role in the placement process. One of their main tasks is to find flexible employment opportunities for employees for companies that need staff at short notice or are carrying out projects. Especially in the modern world of work, this role is more important than ever. Many companies want to be able to react more flexibly and ... Weiterlesen

 A1 certificate: Application, validity and obligations

The A1 certificate - this is your proof of social insurance and confirms in black and white that you remain covered by social insurance in your home country despite your assignment abroad. Sounds dry? Maybe, but without this document, your professional trip abroad could quickly turn into a stressful stumbling block. In this article, you will not only find out who really needs the A1 certificate, ... Weiterlesen

Recruitment of foreign specialists - how it works!

recruitment of foreign skilled labour

Germany is recognised as one of the best business locations in the world. However, many German companies are now facing the problem of a lack of skilled labour. The famous shortage of skilled labour has been known in Germany for many years. What was long considered a problem in Germany can now be compensated for with foreign skilled labour. Many bureaucratic hurdles have been ... Weiterlesen

EU Directive - Personnel Leasing Eastern Europe

Personnel leasing in Eastern Europe is an opportunity to deploy qualified specialists in an international working environment. But like everything in life, there are rules - and this is where the EU Posting of Workers Directive plays a key role. It ensures that the same conditions apply to everyone and that companies can act in a legally secure manner. But what exactly is behind it, and ... Weiterlesen

Temporary employment Eastern Europe: Documents

  In der dynamischen Welt der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung können Details den Unterschied zwischen reibungsloser Abwicklung und bürokratischem Albtraum ausmachen. Besonders bei der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung nach Osteuropa gilt: Gut vorbereitet ist halb gewonnen. Aber keine Sorge – wir haben die Checkliste, die Ihnen den Kopf freihält. Von der A1-Bescheinigung bis zu Qualifikationsnachweisen: Hier erfahren Sie, was Sie brauchen … Weiterlesen

Supply and demand for foreign skilled labour

Demand for skilled labour from abroad It has long been known that Germany cannot always rely solely on its own skilled personnel or, in many cases, does not even have them available. The economy is becoming more globalised, companies are working on an international level and need specialists from abroad, especially in areas such as technology and IT. Weiterlesen

The history of temporary work

Temporary work, labour leasing, personnel leasing - history Temporary work and temporary employment agencies appear to be a thing of the last few decades, but in reality their history began more than 100 years ago. Labour was hired out as early as the 1920s and this was soon regulated by law. The first beginnings of personnel leasing In fact, the first law on the paid placement of labour was ... Weiterlesen

Most popular programming languages 2024

Programming languages Python Python currently has a market share of 27%. It is currently the most popular programming language. It can also be used wonderfully by beginners. Python has a very clean and easy-to-read code structure. This makes it easy to set up and debug. Pything is suitable for web development and network programming as well as ... Weiterlesen

Zeitarbeit International
Blog - Temporary Work International
Read about the latest news on temporary work, contracts for work and labour, temporary employment, international temporary employment agencies
Employee leasing Eastern Europe
Zeitarbeit International is an international personnel service provider specialising in the temporary employment of German-speaking workers from abroad (temporary workers, subcontractors, freelancers from Eastern Europe). Our personnel services: Labour leasing Eastern Europe, temporary work Eastern Europe, work contracts, service contracts, outsourcing Eastern Europe. Our partner countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Baltic States, Ukraine. We provide skilled and unskilled labour for industry, logistics, production, medicine, industrial assembly, plant construction, IT, engineering with impeccable references, offer legally compliant temporary employment contracts, contracts for work and services and service contracts.