The history of temporary work

Temporary work, labour leasing, personnel leasing - history Temporary work and temporary employment agencies appear to be a thing of the last few decades, but in reality their history began more than 100 years ago. Labour was hired out as early as the 1920s and this was soon regulated by law. The first beginnings of personnel leasing In fact, the first law on the paid placement of labour was ... Weiterlesen

Most popular programming languages 2024

Programming languages Python Python currently has a market share of 27%. It is currently the most popular programming language. It can also be used wonderfully by beginners. Python has a very clean and easy-to-read code structure. This makes it easy to set up and debug. Pything is suitable for web development and network programming as well as ... Weiterlesen

Tips for setting up and managing remote employees

Building and managing a remote workforce To lead and manage a remote team well, organisations may need to loosen their reins, which is a very positive thing as this has put a strain on workers around the globe. Office environments are now being shunned by workers in favour of the more comfortable home office environment. This is also a place where ... Weiterlesen

Hidden employee leasing - risks for employers

What is a covert supply of labour? In principle, the concealed supply of temporary workers must fulfil all the characteristics of a supply of temporary workers. In addition, however, it must also be the case that the assignment of external personnel is legally incorrectly labelled as a work or service contract assignment. Cases of covert hiring out of employees exist if: the hiring out of employees is carried out without first obtaining the necessary authorisation ... Weiterlesen

Temporary work - Temporary employment

Temporary work - what is it? Definition, meaning, rights and obligations. Temporary employment, agency work, temporary work - what is it? At first glance, these three terms sound like different things, but they are basically the same thing. Behind all three words is the fact that a company borrows labour from another company for a while. See ... Weiterlesen

Completely redesign your production with Industry 4.0

Complete your manufacturing with Industry 4.0 IT operations teams have a key role to play when it comes to using smart technologies and connected systems to optimise manufacturing and support the transition to Industry 4.0. The focus is increasingly on using process automation and data analytics to increase efficiency and find innovative solutions that both increase productivity and optimise ... Weiterlesen

IT recruiting made easy: How to attract the best IT specialists

IT recruiting made easy: How to attract the best IT specialists Finding the right IT specialist is not easy, as the fields of IT recruiting are very specialised and have many different IT areas. IT recruiting in the tech world is not only about understanding the job requirements, but also about being resourceful and innovative. The demand ... Weiterlesen

Master vendor model as a form of on-site management - everything you need to know

Master-vendor model Master-vendor model sounds like a tongue twister. Like something out of a film or like a machine. In reality, it is a master vendor who manages the entire recruitment process for a company. There are various advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss these in this article, as well as the on-site master vendor model Master vendor model: efficient recruitment directly ... Weiterlesen