Legal requirements for foreign workers in Germany

Foreign labour force in Germany

Germany is constantly changing legal regulations to make it easier to bring foreign workers into the German labour market. All in order to increase the number of workers from abroad in Germany, as many jobs remain unfilled due to a shortage of skilled labour. And this can permanently hamper economic growth. The immigration of foreign workers is beneficial for both Germany ... Weiterlesen

Recruit skilled workers from abroad

Recruiting skilled workers from abroad: how to successfully find international talent! In today's globalised working world, it is essential for companies to recruit skilled workers from abroad in order to meet their need for qualified employees. But how do you find the right applicants and what steps do you need to take to bring them to Germany? In this blog ... Weiterlesen

Bringing skilled workers from abroad to Germany

Attracting skilled workers from abroad to Germany

The German labour market is facing a major challenge: the shortage of skilled workers. The need to attract qualified skilled labour to Germany is more urgent than ever. In this blog article, we will look at the causes and effects of the skills shortage and discuss measures for attracting and integrating foreign skilled workers. Examples of success and positive effects will be highlighted as well as the challenges ... Weiterlesen

Recruitment of foreign specialists

Successful recruitment of international talent: The approach to recruiting foreign professionals Are you a company looking for talented professionals from abroad? Don't worry, we are here to help you! Our recruitment agency specialises in the successful recruitment of international talent. With our support, you can easily find qualified applicants from different countries who ... Weiterlesen

Skilled workers from abroad: This is how you benefit from international expertise

Skilled workers from abroad are an important factor for the German labour market. In times of skills shortages and demographic change, they can be a valuable solution for filling vacancies and keeping the German economy running. Recruiting skilled workers from abroad offers numerous advantages. On the one hand, their international experience brings fresh ... Weiterlesen

Temporary workers from Eastern Europe – The effective path to success!

How German companies benefit from temporary workers from Eastern Europe In today's globalised working world, temporary workers from countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Baltic states and Croatia play a crucial role. Through labour leasing and personnel placement, they provide German companies with access to highly qualified specialists from abroad and thus support the production and industrial sectors. Find out here how ... Weiterlesen

Attracting qualified specialists from Eastern Europe

How to place skilled workers from Eastern Europe effectively! Are you looking for qualified skilled workers from Eastern Europe? No problem! With an effective recruitment agency for skilled labour from Eastern Europe, you can find employees from countries such as Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia or Romania and recruit them for your company. There are various options available to you, such as temporary employment, labour leasing or subcontracting. Especially in industry and production, skilled workers from Eastern Europe are a valuable addition ... Weiterlesen

Outsourcing Partner

Outsourcing partners - tasks, requirements, advantages Finding the right outsourcing partner is not easy, but it is crucial for the success of your company. A good partner can help you reduce costs and increase your efficiency. But how do you find the right partner? What are the requirements for an outsourcing service provider? ... Weiterlesen


Outsourcing - definition, advantages and disadvantages, partners Outsourcing is a business strategy in which companies outsource certain tasks or processes to external service providers. It can often be cheaper and more productive to take advantage of the outsourcing benefits. Especially as companies grow, managers consider whether to hire staff or outsource work. Properly implemented with a ... Weiterlesen

Find skilled workers from abroad

Skilled workers from abroad - requirements, challenges, advantages In times of a shortage of skilled labour in Germany, skilled workers from abroad are an increasingly important resource. But what about the integration of these people into the German labour market? How can companies and authorities facilitate the recruitment of skilled workers from abroad? What requirements must be met ... Weiterlesen