Photovoltaic systems

Planning & Implementation

Photovoltaic specialist companies, electricians, solar technicians - enquire now without obligation!

Are you looking for a specialist photovoltaic company or personnel for the planning and installation of your photovoltaic system? We  convey the best Temporary workers and subcontractors from Eastern Europe: solar technicians, photovoltaic electricians, fitters installers. Enquire without obligation!

Placement of foreign skilled labour

We place specialists for photovoltaic planning & installation

Photovoltaic specialist companies - inexpensive & quickly available!

Solar technicians from Eastern Europe

Your advantages:

Cost saving

We offer Complete cost package without any surprises afterwards. With Personnel from Eastern Europe and cheaper material, you can save money and successfully implement your orders.

Legally compliant mediation

We only place temporary workers and subcontractors with Permits, impeccable References and Clearance certificates. Our contracts are Legally compliant and safe.

German speaking workers

Our workforce speaks sufficient good Germanas they have already worked in Germany. For large projects, we also send German-speaking coordinators.

Employee leasing

Recruitment Procedure:

Call now for advice on all aspects of photovoltaic planning!

Temporary work International

About us

Zeitarbeit International is the leading recruitment agency in the German-speaking world. We offer free recruitment of temporary workers and subcontractors from Eastern Europe.

We take care of the entire process: staff recruitment, organisation, permits, transport and accommodation on site.

We are pleased to be able to win you as a customer!

Your Zeitarbeit International Team!

Our personnel services

Subcontractors wanted? We provide the best from Eastern Europe

Finding the right workers from Eastern Europe in the right place at the right time

Outsourcing or relocation of production to Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary etc.

Are you looking for personnel? We place skilled workers and simple helpers from Eastern Europe

Are you interested in working with us? Give us a call!

Make a non-binding enquiry

Request your personal offer for solar technology without obligation. After receipt of your request, you will receive our offer within 24 hours on working days, or 48 hours on weekends and public holidays.

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